Krasey Giveaways! Win It- A HUGE CEW Swag Bag!:
For those who are unfamiliar, the Cosmetic Executive Women (or CEW for short) organization hosts what can be considered the awards show of the beauty world, the Product Demo each year. For those who are into beauty, the Altman Building in NYC transforms into their own personal Disney Land, bursting with products, activities, and of course, the lovely people behind the brands.Overwhelming? Very. Delightfully awesometastic? You bet! Brands from all across the beauty world, from mass to prestige to indie, submit their products for nomination into the CEW beauty award hall of fame for that given year. These entries are then voted upon, with products receiving the most votes winning for that category. You can find a list of the nominees on the CEW website, in case you are curious. The winners will officially be announced in May, for all to fawn over.
What has become famous in its own right is the swag bag, a hefty tote bursting with CEW award nominees. And now, I have one here to give away to one lucky reader! We are talking a huuuuge bag, bursting with favorites from brands like L’Oreal, Urban Decay, Clinique, Dr Brandt, and more! To enter, simply tell me what your favorite beauty product is right now. To be eligible to win, you must like Krasey Beauty on Facebook, follow Krasey Beauty on Twitter, and subscribe to Krasey Beauty emails!
Winner will be announced in one week, on March 29th. Good luck, swag baggers!
Krasey Giveaways! Win It- A HUGE CEW Swag Bag! is a post from: Krasey Beauty
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